Thursday, July 28, 2005

A new view of the subject

I was having my devotions this morning and reading in the book of Exodus. Chapter 25 is God's instructions on how to build the Ark of the Covenant
Make it of the finest Acacia wood, overlay it with pure gold, inside and out. Cast 4 rings of pure gold, put 2 cherubims on the top, made of pure gold. The table, and lampstand made in one piece of pure gold, plates and dishes and 7 lamps made of pure gold. In this he instructed them to put the Stone Tablets containing his Covenant.
This Covenant is the 10 commandments. How important God thought these 10 commandments were that they should be placed in such a special compartment.
God help us to place them in a special place and to consider them as important as he does.

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Unusual day

Today is an unusual day, I am free to work all day long and catch up some of the jobs I sometimes put off, procrastinate I guess is the word.
I had my car inspected, went to the Senior Center to sign a check since I am Treasurer, Went to visit a friend who was leaving for the day. Came home and updated my website to include the minutes of the Emergency Management Committee, which I chair. I also included some pictures of the committee at work.
I moped my floors, watered my lawn, had lunch, went to the market to get it first.
The rest of my day will include working on a drill for the emergency services, working to update our Alert System, our sirens are obsolete and we need to apply for a Homeland Security Grant to install new ones. I have much work to do to accomplish that, and only with the help of many other people.
The day will end with a trip to Glens Falls to take a friend home, and dinner with a close friend of mine.
What a great and unusual day.

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Today's update

I continually talk to my kids about updating their blogsite, which I list on my website. With all of my nudging, I seem to be the one who is the most slack. Today I will update and try to do this every day. Maybe I won't feel guilty anymore.
I am near a Primary Election in September, even though it is almost 2 months away, it will go fast. There is much to do. I look at the brochures and cards I have to make, the pens and stickers I have to buy, the number of articles I have to write on my sites. The number of people I have to talk to and the number of doors I have to knock on. It is much work.
I continually think of the "most important" things I have to do.
I have narrowed it down in my mind to 3 things. Keeping he cost of government down, and in doing that keeping taxes in check. Public safety, which should be on the mind of every person in public service. And last but not least, communicating with those who put us in office about what is going on in "their" government. This is important in both of the other subjects.

Monday, July 04, 2005

Campaign Time

Campaign time is here, I hear stories of people walking the streets of downtown running down the members of the Town Board. That is the accepted way today of making people want you for a board member instead of the one who is now on the board.
I hesitate to go into the Liquor Store where so many people gather to talk about the news of the town, I hear that as a member of the town board I am being verbally assaulted there, and am uncomfortable going in wondering what those in the store are saying about me.
I am beginning to work on a campaign, I will create a new website,, I will create brochures to get my picture in front of the residents of Corinth, I will place election signs on the lawns of people who are willing to support me.
I would hope my greatest asset would be the job I have done for the last 3 1/2 years. That is what I am asking the voters of Corinth to look at and to judge me with. I do not plan on attempting to change the mind of anyone, I do not wish to create some fictional character that never existed before. I am the man who has been on the Corinth Town Board for 2 terms, who did what he thought was best for the residents of Corinth, and am the person who you know will be there and will be interested in the every day functioning of the Government of Corinth.
I ask for your support for another term on the Board, and base my request on the job I have already done for you. I go to the town hall every day, have for the 2 terms I have served, I keep abreast of what is going on in the town government, and I attend all meeting except the very few times I am out of town visiting family.